Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hey neighbor, can I borrow a stick of sugar cane?


Dear Everyone,
So you know how women in the United States will sometimes visit one another bearing treats such as coffee and biscotti?  Well here the social act is very similar, it’s just the treats that are different. Michele and Haley stopped by randomly today, brining with them an opened cocoa and some sticks of sugar cane.  It all felt very grown-up. Sugar cane is wonderful. You simply gnaw on it and suck the sugar out. They told us that their homestay mother just chopped one down this morning and cut it into pieces for them. It’s as simple as that!
Today for lunch we each received and entire fish, face, tail, and all. Carolina caught them this morning in a net. Despite it’s terrifying appearance, it wasn’t bad. It wasn’t too fishy, so I’m pretty sure it was a white fish. When I asked “es pescado blanco?” Carolina answered yes, but I’m not sure if that means the same thing when directly translated. The tiny bones weren’t even an issue because she had sort of pre-sliced the fish, and the meat jus fell off the bone. I was a little worried she was going to eat the face (due to stories from my peers) and I would have to follow suit. But that never happened. 
This may be it for a week or two, and then I will inundate you all with news again.

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